try wd-40 soak the spots with it and let it sit for a few mintues, then rub it a bit and then wash it... it should work..Is there any way to get outdoor paint stains out of clothes?
I Have tried this one thing and to my surprise it did work well:
Stick the clothes in the freezer and peel the paint off!
Try a product made by Carbona...I can usually find it near the laundry section at Wal-Mart...other than that, it probably won't come out, sorry. Good luck!
i use go-jo hand cleaner with pumas on a-lot of things including paint just add some to your wash and let the machine do all the work
GOOD NEWS-BAD NEWS You have clothes to use for your next paint job. No it's not coming out.
Not that I know of LOL
I think ya got some new painting duds but the solutions offered sound like they're worth a try.
Good Luck.
Try rubbing vigorously with GOJO (lanolin based mechanics hand cleaner) before washing in the machine. It works well on many types of stains especially those with a petroleum base.
Lacquer thinner. This is your only hope. Lacquer thinner is ';hot'; enough to breakdown latex and most oil based paints. However, if the clothes have been washed and dried you are out of luck unless the stains are small. Be aware that lacquer thinner may do more harm than good on some fabrics....especially synthetics.
It depends on the type of paint or stain. read the label. That is your best bet. I have done hundrends or painting/stining projects and often they don't come out. They can actually fade over time after numerous washing. You can try to presoak in solutions given on side of can then launder as usual. Don't dry unless its out,heat sets the stain/paint. If you can't get out the stain, create the same pattern all over the pants or shirt and design your own style. who knows maybe it'll be a new fashion in your area...if that doesn't work it is okay to donate that shirt/pants to your work shirt/pant collection be sure to repeatedly wear it and not ruin any more of your clothing.
mineral spirits before paint dries wd-40 spray on let it soak a couple of minutes than scrub before washing paint thinner might work as well
bin the clothes you cheapskate
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