Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I have a white metal bistro set (1 table, 2 chairs). I'd like to paint it black. I have flat black outdoor

paint that says it can be painted right over rust. The table isn't rusty. My question? Do I need to do anything to prep that set before painting?I have a white metal bistro set (1 table, 2 chairs). I'd like to paint it black. I have flat black outdoor
Sand it lightly to give it some ';tooth'; so the paint will stick.

I'd give it a coat or 5 of satin or gloss varnish on top, just

to protect the paint and help it last longer. Remember to paint and or varnish underneath so the rust stays away.

Good Luck!I have a white metal bistro set (1 table, 2 chairs). I'd like to paint it black. I have flat black outdoor
For the sanding part you can use the scouring type pad instead of sandpaper.
Scuff the existing paint up a little with a metal sandpaper
I would wash the set first with a strong soapy mixture and let it dry prior to painting. If there are any rough spots you might want to do a light sanding or use a wire brush on it prior as well.

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